Our Vision
Our Vision
The vision of this ministry is to prepare the ground for people to ENCOUNTER GOD. In the Gospel of John Chapter 4 Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob and this encounter changes everything about this woman and impacts Samaria.
The Well Diggers is about Save, Empower and Engage in the Kingdom.
The vision of this ministry is to prepare the ground for people to ENCOUNTER GOD. In the Gospel of John Chapter 4 Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob and this encounter changes everything about this woman and impacts Samaria. This is what The Well Diggers is about Save, Empower and Engage in the Kingdom. Our vision is to establish God’s church a power house, a revival center in the state of Goa.Conduct conferences to train leaders. A church that will impact the people and the society around by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want to reach out for the lost ones through various programs like schools, restaurants and help centers around the nations. We intend to reach people through various forms of media. We have a burden for feeding the poor and hungry and to help women and kids to come out of prostitution and help them lead a regular life by providing them, shelter and vocational training etc. and establishing them back in the society as a vessel of God.
Our Mission
Our mission is the Great Commission spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew 28:19 onwards to reach out to world and make disciples of all nations. Our ideology is to reach and teach. We are praying and working to see the unreached world reached by the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. W help lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by creating a dynamic environment for authentic worship and encouraging them to live effective word based life while developing genuine fellowship with God and each other.